Minutes: 5th December 2011

Download: dec5th2011(2) There was a meeting of the Carnbee and Arncroach Community Council on Monday 5th December 2011 at 7.30 in Arncroach Church Hall. Present...

Download: dec5th2011(2)

There was a meeting of the Carnbee and Arncroach Community Council on Monday 5th
December 2011 at 7.30 in Arncroach Church Hall.
Present were Mr MacIntyre, Mrs Lodge, Mr Snowball, Mrs Laing, Mrs Wilson, Councillor
Apologies from Mrs Wright and Ms Holt.
There were 18 members of public present.
1) Election of new member.
As none of proposed persons was present the issue was deferred.
Ms Blyde now resigned as Chairperson.
Mr MacIntyre (Vice Chair) proposed and seconded as new Chairperson. Agreed
Mr Snowball proposed and seconded as Vice Chair. Agreed unanimously.
2) Minutes of September 5th 2011.
Request for further clarification of possibility of Church selling glebe. (ER)
Request for new grit bin at Newton.
Grit bin at Carnbee still empty.
Weeds at Church? Contact Liz Murphy.
20 mph in Arncroach must wait until next financial year.
Water at Newton corner not yet done.
Colinsburgh school – hard decision between keeping 3 teachers and running a deficit and
upheaval of reducing teaching force to 2.
Tayplan been sent to Scottish Govt. Reporter will examine.
Forum meeting with West Coast Energy.
WCE offering 10% stake to be divided between 4 local CCs or £20 000 per annum to each
Forum of local CCs will negotiate with WCE.
Independent Chairperson agreed upon.
WCE will only be present at Forum meetings if asked.
CDT was present at second Forum meeting.
If Ms Holt attends these meetings again it must be as a member of the general public.
Discussion on best way to gauge public opinion.
Discussion concerning member of CC acting inappropriately leading to inaccurate article in
3) Complaints by Ms Holt concerning Mrs Lodge.
Mr MacIntyre reported on meeting held on Oct.3rd.
Meeting carried out according to Fife Council rules of procedure.
CC does not uphold complaint.
Ms Holt rejects this decision.
Mr Crozier representing Community Development Trust was advised to write to Linda Bisset
of Fife Council for formal intimation of complaints circulating from various sources
concerning CDT in order to be able to reply.
General discussion regretting lack of neighbourly co-operation in community affairs.
4) Gillingshill
Problem over siting of telephone cable unresolved.
Danger from unsafe trees.
Meeting scheduled for 12th Dec. with Geoff Moy from Fife Council and with Tony Wilson
from Fife Coast and Countryside Trust to discuss responsibility.
Top bridge is dangerously slippery.
Discussion of co-operative project between CC and CDT using existing grant of £600 as seed
corn for larger grant to cover work on trees and fence.
Locality Manager happy about this .
Gillingshill surplus to requirements of Enterprise, Planning and Protective Services.
Possibility of passing the reserve to Community Services.
The CC has already informed Fife Council of its interest in the reserve.
CC, CDT and Balcaskie Estate all concerned and interested in co-operation to keep
Gillingshill in good condition as a public amenity.
CC needs to know relevant costs.
CC needs to be kept informed of any changes of responsibility.
5) CDT update from Mr Crozier.
Became Registered Trust on September 29th
All Minutes past and present now on Digital Fife website.
Copies on Noticeboards and in Press.
No hidden agendas.
Organised social evening in Arncroach.
Co-operating at Gillingshill.
CDT aware of divisive nature of renewables projects and will consult.
Will take part in consultations with developers in order to maximise benefits for community.
6) Planning.
Minutes of 31st October when votes were taken concerning wind turbines at South Baldutho
and Knightsward. Knightsward since withdrawn.
Votes from hall in favour of both schemes at South Baldutho.
Voting figures of CC and public both forwarded to Fife planners.
Discussion of difficulty of gauging opinion.
Meetings are well publicised. People should come to meetings.
CC as statutory consultee tries to represent community.
Thanks to Mr MacIntyre for his hard work in organising meeting.
Minutes approved.
a) Belliston Quarry – application for shed to provide cover for existing operation.
Recycling of builders’ waste.
2 new jobs.
No additional vehicle movements.
No objection.
b) Update on wind turbine applications.
i) Balhouffie permission for 1 turbine of 37 meters.
ii) North Baldutho previously discussed.
There is an offer of community benefit .
CC Planning contact will add a comment on North Baldutho to Fife Council website – as
with others.
Treasurer’s Report
Tree Fund – £47.00
Floral Fund – £449.08
General Fund – £425.46
Gillingshill – £862.00
Total – £1783.54
9) Flowers in Arncroach.
Thanks to Mrs Laing for her work in bringing on and maintaining the flowers this year which
were splendid.
Grant application in for next year. Volunteers needed.
1) Mr Anstruther spoke about the East Neuk Rural Action Plan initiated recently by owners
of large local estates with long term purpose of maintaining good quality of life in East Neuk.
Collaborative effort with Fife Council to encourage opportunities – emphasising schools,
jobs, housing, families.
Contact person either Toby Anstruther or Locality Manager Fiona Mitchell.
2) Local resident Gillian Duncan running campaign to acquire funding for a public access
defibrillator in every village of East Neuk.
Local firm will fund a defibrillator for Arncroach and help install it.
Many thanks to Gillian for her hard work and to Wendy Howden another local resident who
works with First Responders.
3) Dates for 2012
5. March
4. June
3. September
3. December
Thanks to all for a constructive evening.