Community Council minutes – 3/3/2014 1: Present Ian McIntyre, Adrian Snowball, Sheila Wilson, Linda Holt, Cllr.Elizabeth Riches, Cllr.John Docherty 10 members of the public were present and Colin Stirling (traffic management) 2. Apologies. Janet Lodge, Andrew Stevenson, Mary Wilson 3: Presentation on traffic and speed restrictions Colin Stirling, the lead professional for traffic management in Fife spoke to the meeting Speed restrictions; the data presented showed graphs for speed, with the raw data showing a reduction of 6% in overall speeds, with average speeds decreasing by 6 mph. This meant that more vehicles were travelling slower through the village. However, the general feeling was that speeds were still too high. Several options were discussed; One option was to paint 20mph signs on the road at lower cost – could be provided quite quickly. Other options were vehicle actuated illuminated signs, but these cost around £3000 each, and barriers, like at Peat Inn, but this is even more expensive at about £15000. It was noted that there wasn’t a high level of road safety issues present – but that there was still a level of concern. Colin Stirling said that the priority is in areas where people are injured/killed, and at present Arncroach was low priority. Bonerbo – the results were typical for the area – 85% were travelling at around 55 – 60 mph – not a cause for concern by transportation dept Jim Hendry raised concerns about the Peat Inn measures; there is poor visibility. Colin Stirling said that measures would be in place to improve this. 4: Minutes of last meeting. The minutes were approved with no amendments 5: Minutes of special meeting held February 10th One amendment; the nearest properties are the cottages above Balmonth and they are 430m from turbine. The minute was approved with the amendment noted above 6: Roads 6.1: Concerns were raised about the ditch at Grangemuir – it still floods, but isn’t in our area. 6.2: Concerns were also raised about state of road in Carnbee, in particular the potholes 7: Gillinsgshill 7.1: Sam Parsons was asked about the disposal of Gillingshill. Tom Crozier responded for the CDT with an update on the situation. The position is that Balcaskie estate will not be in competition with the CDT to acquire the reservoir if the CDT wishes to proceed. A meeting is to be arranged between the estate and the CDT to discuss matters further then following this a 3 way meeting will be arranged between Savills (Fife Council’s agents) and the estate and CDT 8: CDT update 8.1: Open air theatre event is scheduled for July 31st 8.2: Kellie Castle would like to combine with the CDT big lunch / fun day 8.3: A film event is planned – a showing of ‘Sunshine on Leith’ It is hoped that a member of the cast will be present. 8.4 CDT will be meeting with 3 farmers to agree on what benefit from wind turbines will be spent. 8.5: Gillingshill – The CDT have 420 native trees ready for planting and are looking for help! It was suggested that a work party could be organised from the local community. There was also an offer of help from local schools. 8.6: If the community payback team are wanted they will have to be notified by end of March 9. Councillors report 9.1: Trusted trader scheme. Trusted Trader ( was launched by Fife Council Trading Standards in 2011. It’s a membership scheme which uses an online directory of local trades who have made a commitment to treat their customers fairly. Trusted Trader is designed to: Help customers avoid rogue traders Help customers make a more informed choice when choosing a trader Promote good business practice Customers who use a Trusted Trader are asked to complete a survey form, based on their experience. Before employing a trader to work in your home, you can search online for a local Trusted Trader (takes you to an external website) and check the feedback from their previous customers. This can help you to selectthe right traderfor your needs. 9.2: Sustainable and safe communities. £500,000 has been allocated to NE Fife to be spent on the promotion of sustainable and safe communities. The money will be spent according to 3 criteria; Improving and promoting health, wellbeing and lifelong learning Supporting vibrant and sustainable communities Reducing social inequalities 9.3: The fence is still not repaired on the village green 10: Treasurers report General fund – £1117.54 Floral fund – £34.60 This year’s floral grant is due to be paid in April 11: Planning 3 new houses applied for at Bonerbo; one a full planning application and two in principle on;y. 12: AOB 12.1: A drop in event is scheduled for building community owned turbines in Crail 12.2: People First; Cllr John Docherty has been approached by ‘People First’, a group that offers support and guidance to people with learning difficulties and their carers. It is hoped that a branch of this group will be established to cover the East Neuk and Landward area. He will report on the progress on establishing such a support group to the community council 13. Date of next meeting June 2nd 2014 at 7.30pm
Minutes: 3rd March 2014
Community Council minutes – 3/3/2014 1: Present Ian McIntyre, Adrian Snowball, Sheila Wilson, Linda Holt, Cllr.Elizabeth Riches, Cllr.John Docherty 10 members of the public were...