Minutes: 2nd March 2015

There was a meeting of the Carnbee and Arncroach Community Council at 7.30 pm on Monday 2nd March 2015 in Arncroach Church Hall. Present were...

There was a meeting of the Carnbee and Arncroach Community Council at 7.30 pm on Monday 2nd March 2015 in Arncroach Church Hall. Present were Ian MacIntyre, Adrian Snowball, Janet Lodge, Helen Blyde, Natalie Ridge, Richard Duffus, Robert Watson and 6 members of the public. 1) Apologies from Cllrs Riches and Docherty, Grahame Rogers, David Roger & Andrew Stevenson. 2) The minutes of the meeting on Dec. 1st 2014 were examined and found to be correct. The accounts have been verified. 3) Confirmation of office-bearers. Chair – Ian MacIntyre Vice-chair & Treasurer – Adrian Snowball Secretary – Janet Lodge Robert Watson was co-opted on to the Community Council. 4) Mrs Sheila Wilson was presented with a gift to mark her retirement from the Community Council. Many thanks to Sheila for her hard work! 5) Cdt. i) No movement on the sale of Gillingshill Nature Reserve. ii) Three farms turbines due to come on stream March 11th . General dissatisfaction with performance of Scottish Power. iii) No date for AGM. 6) Councillor’s Report (sent by Cllr Riches) i) East Neuk CC Forum will discuss superfast broadband at a meeting on Thursday 5th March. ii) the Library service may well be subject to financial cuts. iii) broken road signs will not be replaced until new financial year. iv) bin replaced at Gillingshill. v) costing of a graveyard extension at Carnbee still being worked out. 7) Treasurer’s Report. Accounts have now been signed off. Bank – £1519.00 incl. annual grant of £483.96. 8) Roads. Dissatisfaction with state of local roads. Damage to car tyres from potholes. i) subsidence on E side of road between Overkellie Farm and the cottage. ii) side road at Ovenstonemuir up to Carnbee in constant state of disintegration. iii) flooding on Belliston road. iv) verge at Newton corner eroded and wall damaged. Could farmers themselves clear out ditches? There would be a problem with rubbish collected in ditches. Could it be dumped at Recycling centre? 9) Planning. Nothing. 10) AOB i) phone cables lying exposed at roadside in danger of being cut by grass cutting and offlet cutting machines. Danger for superfast broadband! ii) there are pike in Gillingshill reservoir. They eat young birds. Who to ask for permission to fish there? Many thanks to all. Next meeting – June 1st 2015

PDF: Minutes of Community Council meeting 2nd March 2015