Minutes: 7th December 2015

Minutes of the Community Council meeting held on the 7th December 2015 1. Present Helen Blyde. Adrian Snowball. Ian McIntyre, Cllr. Elizabeth Riches and 7...

Minutes of the Community Council meeting held on the 7th December 2015 1. Present Helen Blyde. Adrian Snowball. Ian McIntyre, Cllr. Elizabeth Riches and 7 members of the public 2. Apologies John Docherty, Donald McGregor, Natalie Ridge, Prudence Penn, Andrew Stevenson, Janet Lodge. 3. East Neuk First Responders Gillian Duncan gave an update on the current position re training and the difficulties encountered receiving training from the Scottish Ambulance Service. There are a number of potential volunteers and they are badly needed as the service provided is operating with very few responders at present. She stressed that lives are being unnecessarily put at risk. She also spoke about the recent conference on Community Resuscitation. This was a very successful event. The East Neuk First Responders had recently acquired a new vehicle and Gillian thanked everyone who had helped raise funds. 4. Minute of last meeting No matters arising 4 CDT 4.1 The CDT had produced a calendar of old photographs of the area which had proved very popular, selling 51 copies 4.2 The date for the AGM has been postponed to the New Year 4.3 Ian Brunton, Robbie Watson and Andrew Stevenson will meet with the CDT to discuss Community Benefit as soon as the first payment of feed in Tariff is received 5 Roads There are still problems with drainage on the Q28 at Belliston and Balmakin. 6 Councillors report 6.1 Falside bridge; – the vegetation has been cut down. Markings to be placed either side of the bridge. 6.2 The October trial of speed through village showed that although the average speed had reduced it was still over 20mph. 6.3 Weeds in empty properties in Castle Street; situation not resolved yet 7 Treasurers report Balance £1507.02 £1000 allocated to Gillingshill as a specific project 8 Planning 1 application submitted for an attic conversion including raised roof ridge height at Newton of Balcormo 9 AOB 9.1 The airfield at Sorbie has received permission for an agricultural building that is allegedly being used as hangar for aircraft. This may constitute a breach of planning permission. Elizabeth Riches will look into it 9.2 The McMillan Coffee morning raised 1032.30. Thanks to all who attended and thanks to Helen for organising 9.3 Thanks to Janet Lodge for organising the party to celebrate Catherine Brunton getting the British Empire Medal. 9.4 The issue of mobile phone reception was raised, and it was suggested that this would be a suitable agenda item for the next East Neuk Forum meeting. 10. Dates for next year’s meetings March 7 th June 6 th September 5 th December 5 th

PDF: Minutes of the Community Council meeting held on the 7th December 2015