Minutes: 5th June 2017

There was a meeting of the Carnbee and Arncroach Community Council on Monday 5th June 2017 at 7.30 pm in Arncroach Church Hall. Present were...

There was a meeting of the Carnbee and Arncroach Community Council on Monday 5th June 2017 at 7.30 pm in Arncroach Church Hall. Present were Ian MacIntyre (Chair), Adrian Snowball, Janet Lodge, Robert Watson, Cllr Docherty, Councillor Holt and 5 members of the public. 1) Apologies from Helen Blyde and Natalie Ridge. 2) The minutes of the meeting on 6th March 2017 were approved. 3) Gillingshill. Stuart Provan has been paid £948 (VAT incl.) for work. Removal of fallen tree and resultant damage to fences caused extra expenditure. 4) cdt. AGM in Arncroach Church Hall on Monday 12th June 2017. New board members needed. 5) Roads. Flooding at Kellie Castle Farm Cottages and on Belliston Road. Gravel on roads brought down by heavy rain a widespread problem. Signage needed on Carnbee-Lochty road to deter HGV’s. On same road signage to warn of hidden dip and blind summit. Poor road surface at Ovenstone junction with Pittenweem road due to Scottish Water work there. Carvenom junction also in bad condition 6) Councillors’ Reports. More details of committee membership at next meeting. 7) Treasurer’s Report. £647.22 in bank. Annual accounts sent to Fife Council. Next year’s grant applied for. Flower tubs to go to Pathhead shortly. 8) Planning. No word about Ovenstone brewery. 9) AOB. i) Parking on pavements in Arncroach is becoming a problem for pushchair and wheelchair users. Quite a few cars are blocking or partially blocking the pavements. This is illegal where the kerb has been lowered. Pavement must be left clear. Public authorities will act if the pavement is blocked. Councillor Docherty suggested someone from Traffic Management should come to speak to the next CC meeting about this in order to work for a solution. ii) It was suggested that more could be done to provide paths for walkers from Arncroach village. This could be a project for the new cdt board. Many thanks to all present. Next meeting – September 4th.

PDF: CC june 5th 2017