There was a meeting of the Carnbee and Arncroach Community Council on Monday 4th September 2017 at 7.30 pm in Arncroach Church Hall. Present were Adrian Snowball (Vice-Chair), Janet Lodge (Secretary), Helen Blyde, Natalie Ridge. There were 14 members of the public. 1) Apologies from Ian MacIntyre, Cllr. Holt, Cllr. Docherty. 2) The minutes of the meeting on June 5th 2017 were approved. It was noted that apart from Carvenom junction nothing had been done about requested road improvements. 3) Gillingshill. The meadow has been mown. Thanks to Sam Parsons and Robert Wilson. 4) CDT. Moira Mukherjee read out an update report. New board of nominated members. AGM for 2016-17 to be held on Mon. Dec. 11th 2017. 5) Roads. Local residents expressed frustration at lack of progress and identified serious problems in the locality. i) speed limit urgently needed at Newton of Balcormo. No speed limit at the moment and residents fear for their lives. ii) speed on Anstruther- St Andrews road must be controlled esp. down from Drumrack to Anstruther. iii) 20 mph in Arncroach frequently violated. Request for rumble strips or painted signs on road to remind drivers of speed limit. CC will look into cost of flashing warning light. iv) parking in village. To avoid damage to their cars from speeding vehicles people park on pavements. Not legal. In response to letter from Transportation residents with moveable ramps have removed them. v) potholes. At Belliston junction north of Arncroach; outside Balcormo House at Newton. vi) gritting. It has been noted that in winter Arncroach – Easter Kellie road has higher priority than Gillingshill road. Gillingshill takes far more traffic than Easter Kellie. vii) None of the issues brought up at the last meeting have been dealt with – ie flooding at Kellie Castle Farm Cottages; flooding on Belliston road; signage needed on Carnbee – Lochty road ‘unsuitable for HGV’s’, ‘hidden dip’ and ‘blind summit’; poor road surface at Ovenstone junction (B 9171 & C44). This is a busy junction and requires urgent attention. Outwith our area – but people were concerned about cars being allowed to park on busy main roads at Radernie and also at Anstruther Co-op. 6) No Councillors present to give a report. 7) Treasurer’s Report. Grant of £485 from Fife Council. Balance in Bank – £1132. Thanks to AS for looking after the accounts so expertly. 8) Planning. Nothing controversial. AOB. i) camper vans parking overnight at Gillingshill. ii) proposed on-line bin calendar. Web address will go on board and on CC website. AS will investigate possibility of requesting a paper copy. Calendars will go on Boards and on website. iii) concern over delay in restoring gravestones at Carnbee Kirk. iv) Carnbee Well. The metal door needs attention. v) Scottish Power left behind an untidy mound at Carnbee after recent works. Thanks to all. Next meeting – Dec. 4th 2017
PDF: 4th September 2017