Minutes: 22nd July 2022

Meeting Notes and Actions Date: 22/7/2022 Present: Cllr Sean Dillon, Cllr Alycia Hayes, Gillian Duncan, Andrew Miller, Morven Peebles Prepared by: CC members 4 Members...

Meeting Notes and Actions Date: 22/7/2022
Present: Cllr Sean Dillon, Cllr Alycia Hayes,
Gillian Duncan, Andrew Miller, Morven Peebles

Prepared by: CC members

4 Members of the public present
Apologies received: Cllr Fiona Corps, James Glen

Item Notes Actions
1 Welcome & Introductions Chairperson Cllr Sean Dillon opened the meeting
2 Apologies for absence Cllr Fiona Corps, James Glen
3 Adoption of the constitution
& standing orders

Adopted: Gillian Duncan Seconded: Andrew Miller

4 Appointment of Office

Chairperson Gillian Duncan – Adopted: Morven Peebles Seconded: Andrew Miller
Vice Chair Andrew Miller – Adopted: Gillian Duncan Seconded: Morven Peebles
Secretary: TBC
Treasurer: Morven Peebles – Adopted: Andrew Miller Seconded: Gillian Duncan
5 Date of Future Meetings Gillian Duncan took the Chair: Meetings will be held quarterly or as required
Date of next meeting: Thursday 20 th October 7.30pm Arncroach Village Hall


AOCB cont’d

 CC members would like to invite representatives from the CDT and
Friends of Gillingshill to give updates/input at the start of every CC
 CC members would like to look at co-opting additional members

Send invitations

CC members
MP website/Facebook

Carnbee & Arncroach Community Council

 Minutes/Agenda publicised via website/Email/Facebook/Notice boards
 Historical Bank account & FC funding to be investigated

 A member of the public made the CC aware that non native
species(fish) had been released into Gillingshill Reservoir – police aware.
There had also been possible drug dealing activity in the car park.

Cllr Hayes to send

Cllrs Dillon & Hayes to
make relevant FC dept

7 Meeting closed GD thanked all those who attended.

Download: Minutes Inaugural Meeting 21-7-2022