Minutes: 20th October 2022

Meeting Notes and Actions Date: 20/10/2022 Present: Cllr Sean Dillon, Cllr Fiona Corps, Gillian Duncan, Andrew Miller, Morven Peebles, James Glen Prepared by: CC members...

Meeting Notes and Actions Date: 20/10/2022
Present: Cllr Sean Dillon, Cllr Fiona Corps, Gillian Duncan, Andrew Miller, Morven Peebles, James Glen

Prepared by: CC members

4 Members of the public present

Item Notes Actions
1 Welcome & Apologies GD welcomed everyone to the meeting.

Apologies: Cllr Alicia Hayes

2 Minutes of Last Meeting Proposed: Morven Peebles
Seconded: Andrew Miller

3 Matters Arising Gillingshill Reservoir: FCCT has been contacted and matter has been refered to an external expert to identify the fish and seek action.

4 (a) Public Input
(b) CDT Update
(c) Friends of Gillingshill update

Public Input – None

CDT Update –
Christmas fair & carols were well attended but hope attendance can increase.

  • Wooden steps were replaced on the nature reserve during summer.
  • Literature society was held as a fund raiser.
  • CDT was involved in the Jubilee Beacon lighting and CDT were given a certificate in recognition.
  • CDT held outdoor theatre event for fund raising which was well attended.
  • CDT continues to maintain the flower tubs. CDT has started a sponsorship scheme and are happy to continue looking after the flower tubs until the end of the financial year.
  • CDT setting up an Oral History project aimed at youths. Tony Lodge helping with the project with CDT providing £500 towards the project.
  • Play park consultation going well with 96% positive responses.

Carnbee & Arncroach Community Council

o Funding is almost secured with a gap of a couple of thousand £s. Fife Council is drawing up
tenders. December for tenders with January expected date for tender acceptance.
Spring/summer completion date.
o Boundary fence alongside road looking to be replaced. Seeking a local trader to complete
the work.
o All equipment, fence and goal posts to be replaced.
GD recommends wild flower planting as a border to the fence. Rewilding: with linking in to Gillingshill
Reservoir project – community gardens, etc. (future plans?) Village green?
Friends of Gillingshill:
 Reservoir put in hands of sales agent, last update is that Clatto Hill is too be sold first before the
reservoir is put up for sale.
 CDT had previously enabled community to help with maintenance, etc.
 Group has direct communication with Fife Council and has now token on responsibility to help
with maintaining the site.
 Collecting names of individuals and groups who would be willing to support the site, incl. local
 FCCT has agreed to help/sit on the committee.
 Meadow was mowed with help with local farmers. Hay has been left on the meadow as it’s a
good habitat for Bumble Bees.
 David Peebles and Sam Parsons have agreed to cut the roadside hedges.
 Bank account been applied for.
 External group to walk the meadow to give advice on maintenance, entomology, etc.
 looking to get a tree count.

5 Village Green Previously covered
6 Treasurers report Bank account opened with Bank of Scotland.

Applied for the CC grant
7 Secretarys report Nothing to report
8 Councillor’s Report Cllr Sean Dillon: Cllrs setup a website/helpline 0800 – Food health, transport and business support,

Fife Events development fund been made available by FC – Upt o £10k available

9 AOCB Blinkbonny Road – Business is being run by a vehicle recovery business. Cars are often uninsured, blocking

roads, etc. Police and DVLA been contacted by residents but no response.
GD to raise with Community Liason Police. Write to Liason Officer to attend next meeting
Speeding – Cllr Fiona Corps asked if speeding has been an issue.
ENFR: All CCs have been visited to highlight issues over ambulance times. Issue is complicated but made
worse due to ambulance queues. Ambulances are having to come out from quite far distances. Response
time is currently 40 mins for life threatening incidents. Recommend complaining to MSPs, MPs, and
Ambulance Services so that first responders can provide more assistance.
ENCEPT: All CCs in the East Neuk has been given emergency equipment, snow shovels, high viz, etc. If
residents need access to equipment to help locally, ENCEPT insurance will cover liability of individuals.
Flooding equipment also provided and available at the hall. If you have flooding issues you can phone
ENCEPT helpline. Any village can borrow the flood prevention equipment, including flooding of premises, etc.
Equipment can be rapidly deployed.
To gain access to the equipment held in Arncroach, you have to phone the ENCEPT helpline.
Date of Next Meeting: 19 th January 2023

Download: 22-10-20-AC-minutes