Minutes: 20th July 2023

Carnbee & Arncroach Community Council Minutes of Meeting: 20th July 2023 – 19:30 (Arncroach Village Hall) Present: Gillian Duncan, Morven Peebles, Andrew Miller Apologies: James...

Carnbee & Arncroach Community Council

Minutes of Meeting: 20th July 2023 – 19:30 (Arncroach Village Hall)

Present: Gillian Duncan, Morven Peebles, Andrew Miller

Apologies: James Glen, Cllr Fiona Corps, Cllr Sean Dillon

Minutes of last meeting: Adopted: Morven Peebles seconded: Andrew Miller


Matters Arising:


  • Louise Lorimers Green: Wildflowers sown and Coronation Bench donated by local businesses is in place. Wildflowers also sown around 30 mph signs & next year additional areas are planned at the entrances to the village.
  • Untaxed vehicles Blinkbonny road: appears to be on going
  • Surface water/burst drain problem at Arncroach’s south exit-entry road & the broken fence, Carnbee Road near the Manse have not been repaired as yet
  • CC elections to take place in September, community members encouraged to apply


Public Input:


CDT update:

Play Park work behind schedule, equipment due to be delivered week beginning 17th July & work starting early August. Site meeting to be organised & include KM Duncan, Agricultural Engineering & Andrew Miller, Kellie Castle Farm to discuss with contractors the possibility of storage facilities if required. 

CDT offer to fund steps in Den below Gillingshill Nature Reserve from Stuart Proven still being considered. It was highlighted that the land where these steps & previous CDT/Stuart Proven steps were installed has disputed ownership which is being investigated. Current steps are extremely slippy/hazardous when wet.


Friends of Gillingshill:(FoG) 

FC now actively pursuing sale of the nature reserve. FoG investigating options for a Community Asset Transfer(CAT) which would be a huge undertaking for such a small community. Feasibility of CAT involving multiple groups in the East Neuk, CC, CDT, FCCT and others is being actively pursued. Ed Heather-Hayes, informed group of an innovative Dreel Burn catchment area project, which includes the Reservoir/Gillingshill, involving multiple organisations including Scottish Government & Fife Council. This could see the water in Gillingshill Reservoir having monetary valve. Funding for the initial stages of the project is in place this is likely to take around 2 years.

Carnbee & Arncroach CC to write to FC to make clear the community want the Nature Reserve a well-used public amenity to remain in FC ownership, no public consultation took place prior to the decision to sell. CC to request costings/obligations for the current maintenance and details on the proposed sale also offer support to the Friends of Gillingshill group.

The very overgrown paths were highlighted this had already been raised with Fife Council by the Community Council.  CC & FoG to raise the issue again & ask for strimming to take place ASAP.


Police Report:

  • Arncroach: 6 calls 0 crimes reported
  • Carnbee:  1 call 1 crime reported


Treasurer’s Report


  • FC to be contacted re: flower grant & timing of yearly accounts audit


Secretary Report

  • Information re: CC elections to be highlighted when received 



  • CC to look at creating a newsletter for distribution


Future Meetings


  • 19th October 2023


Download: CA-Minutes-20-07-23-DRAFT