Carnbee & Arncroach Community Council
Minutes of Meeting: 20th April – 19:30 (Arncroach Village Hall)
Present: Gillian Duncan, Morven Peebles, Andrew Miller, Cllr Fiona Corp, Cllr Sean Dillon
Apologies: James Glen, Cllr Alicia Hayes
Minutes of last meeting: Adopted: Morven Peebles seconded: Andrew Miller
Matters Arising:
- Untaxed vehicles Blinkbonny road: the issue has been resolved
- Village Green: FC have sprayed the area for wildflower planting which will take place soon
- A coronation bench is to be placed at the bottom of Louise Lorimer Green
- Surface water/burst drain problem at Arncroach’s south exit-entry road is listed for investigation and repair
Public Input:
CDT update:
Play park work was discussed. Benches are to be removed/replaced and roadside fence. It was raised that at least one of the benches may be a memorial bench with plaque. CDT to take this into consideration. It was highlighted that the wild flowers will also be in place by the fence.
CC requested that contractors be asked not to encroach onto the village green/football pitch with equipment/welfare cabin during works. Local businesses had already been approached by one contractor tendering to ask for storage. CDT to ask contractors to contact KM Duncan, Agricultural Engineering of Andrew Miller, Kellie Castle Farm to discuss.
Friends of Gillingshill:
Options to help with issues raised around inappropriate use of the car park are being considered along with placement of picnic benches
Police Report:
- Arncroach: 1 call 0 crimes reported
- Carnbee: 2 calls 1 crime reported
Treasurer’s Report
- Nothing to report
Secretary Report
- Information about the CC elections has been received
CC will highlight this and look for new additional members
- CC have been made aware that there has been illegal Hare coursing activity in our area. Public are advised to contact the police if this is witnessed and not attempt to confront these people
- MP: To action a community Facebook page
Future Meetings
- 20th July 2023
- 19th October 2023
Download: CA-Minutes-20-04-23-DRAFT