Minutes: 2nd December 2013

There was a meeting of the Carnbee and Arncroach Community Council at 7.30 pm on December 2nd 2013 in Arncroach Church Hall. Present were Mr...

There was a meeting of the Carnbee and Arncroach Community Council at 7.30 pm on December 2nd 2013 in Arncroach Church Hall. Present were Mr Ian MacIntyre (Chair), Mr Adrian Snowball (Treasurer), Mrs Sheila Wilson, Mrs Janet Lodge (Secretary), Cllr Riches and Cllr Docherty. There were 2 members of the public. 1) Apologies from Cllr MacGregor, Mr & Mrs Stevenson, Mr & Mrs Lawson , Mr David Roger , Mr George Fraser, Mrs Mary Wilson. 2) Minutes of meeting on September 2nd 2013 were approved. Matters arising :- i) Dogs. The dogs are not running loose and are much quieter. People using Church car-park do disturb them. ii) Emergency Planning. Roads have confirmed that the gullies and drains north of Arncroach have been cleaned out and are functioning. Emergency Planning has been brought to attention of WRI and will be discussed at Dec. meeting. iii) Recycling. Still problems at Bonerbo. Formal complaint made. 3) Roads. i) Belliston – verges scheduled for work next financial year. ER will ask for more investigation re drainage. ii) Potholes. New person to contact is Sara.wilson @fife.gov.uk iii) Radar check of traffic speed in Arncroach since introduction of 20 mph shows not enough reduction in speed. Person from Traffic Management to speak at next meeting? ER Speed check on Anstruther road 16.-26 Nov. was vandalised. 4) Gillingshill. i) Provans have done work on paths, fencing and drainage – paid for by CC. ii) new hedging applied for from Woodland Trust. iii) no developments regarding ownership. 5) cdt i) was info. regarding AGM sent out to members who did not have e-mail? ii) do all members of committee resign and put themselves up for re-election? What are rules? iii) cdt preparing a survey/questionnaire to gain information covering local area. 6) Councillors’ Report. i) fence at playpark not yet repaired ii) refurbishment of bus shelter for next financial year iii) thanks to Mr MacIntyre for repairing window of noticeboard iv) re farmers tendering for clearing snow – generally Fife Council gritter lorries can cope. I n extreme conditions F.C. calls on contractors who would need £2.5m public liability insurance. v) B940 between Drumrack & Kingsmuir will be repaired in the next financial year. vi) People were urged to get involved in Fife Council’s Budget Consultation. vii) Cllr Docherty stressed that local police are very keen to come to CC meetings. viii) Cllr Docherty is now on board of Health and Social Care Amalgamation Board – a combination of NHS and Fife Council – taking responsibility for community health. 7) Treasurer’s Report. £34.60 – Floral Fund (£400 applied for for 2014) £1117.54 – General Fund 8) Planning. Nothing controversial. 9) AOB i) Fracking. There had been meetings in Glenrothes and Lundin Links. Another scheduled with Dart Energy in Glenrothes on 18. Dec. ii) Death of Fraser Murray. The family hope to bury ashes of Fraser and Myra in the locality next year some time. iii) Dates of CC meetings for 2014:- 3. March 2. June 1. September 1. December There may be alterations due to CC election. Thanks to all for attending.

PDF: cc 2 dec 2013